Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Picked up 6 month chip last night with T... Another member celebrated 4 yrs... Good night all around... Found out that a friend (chronic relapser) had found his way into a recovery center... Holding him firmly in the light.

Admittedly, my serenity was shaken a bit by the boif not only not attending, but seemingly forgetting about my 6th month all together. This is my own fault: I keep expecting things to miraculously change... Still practicing acceptance. I need to accept the fact that things may never change- and go from there...

Topic last night: How we define our HP- Reminded me of how I got to these rooms.... Grateful that friend I referenced in my share was present... Was good stuff for me and him both...

God got me to these rooms, these rooms bring me closer to God.
The coincidences stopped and God began.

I think my connection's about to give out... so...

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